Course curriculum

    1. Liability

    2. Acknowledgement

    1. Introduction

    2. Abbreviations

    3. A little Physics

    4. Make up of a Stunt Group

    5. Commonly used terms

    1. Introduction

    2. Commonly used words and their meaning

    3. Concussion

    4. Spotting

    5. Consent

    1. Introduction

    2. Biomechanics relevant to Cheerleading

    1. Introduction

    2. Our understanding on twisting

    3. Twisting Mechnisms

    4. Counter-rotation Twist ("cat twist")

    5. Contact Twist

    6. Conclusion

    1. Introduction

    2. Trajectory

    3. Angle of input/impact

    4. Hand impact and repulsion

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 156 lessons

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