Course curriculum

    1. Liability

    2. Acknowledgement

    1. Introduction

    2. Abbreviations

    3. A little Physics

    4. Make up of a Stunt Group

    5. Commonly used terms

    1. Introduction

    2. Commonly used words and their meaning

    3. Concussion

    4. Spotting

    5. Consent

    1. Introduction

    2. Biomechanics relevant to Cheerleading

    1. Rotation (internal axis only)

    2. Key Movements: Description and variations

    3. How does rotation affects Stunts

    4. Rotation (external axis)

    5. Angular Momentum

    6. Generating Angular Momentum

    7. Manipulating Angular Momentum

    1. Legality

    2. Intended Position

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 218 lessons

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